Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Bagged Sub-Assemblies

I learned a lot from building Semroc kits.
One thing I found were bagged sub assemblies. The engine mount and recovery system parts were in separate small bags.
The picture shows the engine mount bag from a typical Odd'l Rockets kit.
As a teen I remember tearing open an Estes or Centuri kit bag. Loose parts would fly! A launch lug or engine hook could roll under the table and be lost.

Why don't the big producers do this? It costs an extra three cents per kit for two extra ziplock bags.


  1. Estes does. Here's my D-Region Tomahawk parts:

    1. Hi Rich,
      Well, they do now! I should have said "A few years ago - "
      My bag sub-assemblies are broken down into one bag of engine mount pieces and a second bag with recovery parts.
